Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cast YOUR Vote!

I got an exciting email from Vicki Delany yesterday. Let me share parts of it with you.

Hi, Molly. I’d like to ask you for a small favour, if I could. And if you wouldn’t mind passing this on to your book loving friends, I’d appreciate it.

To my considerable surprise, Negative Image has been nominated for a CBC Bookie award (hideous name) for best mystery/thriller/horror.

Its online voting, so I’d appreciate it if you could take a minute to give it a vote.

Click on the button above the cover image of Negative Image and then click on Vote

You don’t have to register or sign in so it only takes a few seconds (thus you can vote on any and all of your computer devices – laptop, home computer, smart phone). Be sure and let all your friends know.

Many thanks,


Negative Image is a great book and you'll be glad you voted!

1 comment:

Vicki Delany said...

Thanks Molly. I appreciate your support very much. Voting is now over and I came in second. It was an interesting experience, but one not to be repeated. I've blogged about it today at Type M.