I just got this note from Kent Kruger that should interest mystery readers across the United States.
Years ago, as I understand it from talking to the old-timers in this business, touring authors en masse wasn’t uncommon. Crossing the country in a bus, stopping at bookstores along the way, introducing audiences to the faces behind some of their favorite books—the result was usually great enjoyment by those on both sides of the experience. But this kind of tour hasn’t been seen in a very long time. Until now.
Late last fall, I received an invitation from my publisher, Atria Books, to be a part of the renewal of this exciting enterprise. The Atria Great Mystery Bus Tour will get underway on Thursday, April 12, with a launch at the Mystery Bookshop in New York City. My fellow authors on this excursion will be John Connolly, Liza Marklund, and M.J. Rose, all exceptionally fine writers in the crime genre.
The tour will take us first into New England for stops in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, and northern New York, then through the Midwest with events in Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, and my home state of Minnesota. We’ll wend our way south with a visit to Kansas before winding up the tour in the Saint Louis area. We’ll make twelve appearances in eight days, a true whirlwind of an affair.
For specifics of times and places, check the Events link on my website.
We’ve already had terrific media coverage in USA Today and Publishers Weekly, and the buzz just continues to build. Man, am I stoked! This should be nothing short of fantastic. I’m encouraging you to mark your calendars for the date we’ll be in your area, and get to the bookstore early. It’ll be crowded, you betcha! Hope to see you all somewhere along the way.
Of course, I'm bummed that the bus won't come through North Carolina—but maybe next year!
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